"Mist Lord" Zegion


First Appearance

        Zegion first appeared when he was just an insect (an extremely large Stag Beetle). Rimuru gave him his flesh and also magicules. He was sent to the cave where Vesta and Gabiru works.



    Zegion is a Stag Beetle at first. After Rimuru gave him his flesh and magicule, he gained a humanoid form later on.

        After the Ascension Ritual, Zegion became a "Water Spirit Insect" (Upper Tier Divine Monster Spirit) where he acquired the ultimate skill "Illusion Lor
d Mephisto."


    ◘ He is the overseer of the Lords of the Labyrinth.

    ◘ He is the 2nd strongest named subordinate of Rimuru.



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